Appleyard's are proud to introduce our apprentice, Adam Keene. He will be doing a whole host of jobs within the company whilst he starts to expand his knowledge within the industry and everything about the more specialised roles such as marketing. Adam has had a keen interest in this area for many years but now with Appleyard's he has the chance to get a feel for the role. With no prior experience in this field of work he's keen to show interest in learning more from the team around him.
Role at Appleyard's
· Marketing
· Health and safety record holder
· Supporting the Hull Self Store manager
· General apprentice jobs
Hobbies and interests
Adam in his free time enjoys gaming as this is one of the main things he was brought up on as a child.
Also as working as a bartender he has been fascinated with making pre-existing cocktails and creating his own complex concoction
Traveling is also one of Adams big things he enjoys as even at the age of 18 he has been to a whole host of different countries from the more normal places like Spain and Florida to the more exotic like Cuba, Tunisia and Australia. However his favourite place is New Zealand due to his family connections to the island.